Share your abortion experience
An Undue Burden is a project focused on the lived experiences of those who have been forced to travel long distances or wait an unreasonable amount of time to obtain an abortion. When we do not have access to abortion care, we do not have choice. Too many pregnant people around the world are forced to endure immense hardships seeking reproductive care, and judges and legislators often dismiss their experiences as insignificant. This must end.
If we remain unseen, we will not be represented. If our stories are lost, so many will feel alone. We are in this together. We demand visibility. Help us to fight the stigma surrounding abortion and share your experience.
Have you had to travel long distances to obtain an abortion procedure? Have you been forced to wait an unreasonable amount of time for care? Have you had to arrange for childcare, time off from work, hotel or travel arrangements? How have abortion restrictions impacted you? We want to hear your story.
We welcome stories from those who have had an abortion themselves, stories from partners, friends, and family. All gender identities welcome. All experiences welcome. No judgement.
If you have given us permission to share your story we will add it to this website and may share it on social media. In the future, we may include your experience in projects related to legislative reform. If you would like to be notified if your story is used outside of this website or on social media, please be sure to include your email address.